Post 1111 Sick Call and Relief

The Post 1111 family is excited to introduce our sick call and relief page on our website. While it’s under construction at this time the mission remains the same.

Helping to provide comfort to Post 1111 families. Our families may be in need, going through tough times, or celebrating of magnificent life events! Whichever the case, American Legion Post 1111 wants you to know that we will be there for you.

Fill out the form below and let us know whats going on... someone from our team will contact you to see where we can help. Cards, meals and “comforting care” visits are just a few of the ways we are here for support.

If you feel more comfortable speaking wtih someone ~

Chaplain Bill Parsons - (616) 482-9370

Auxiliary Amanda Jennings - (616) 828-8091

*please note that ALL information shared will remain confidential.